Theme and Variants
A new work for virtual orchestra
Upcoming and recent releases

- Theme and Variants
- Empty Ensemble

- Black Transits
- Empty Ensemble

- Fanfare for Whatever
- Empty Ensemble

- 弦楽四重奏曲其の一
- Empty Ensemble
Latest news

New single Theme and Variants arrives February 2024
Three-minute piece is the second installment of the Orchestral Songs series.

Black Transits, a musique concrète single, arrives January 2023
“Black Transits” uses the urban environmental sounds of Seattle’s public transit system as a basis for a three-part work.

New single Fanfare for Whatever arrives August 2022
Empty Ensemble returns with a new single on August 26, 2022 titled “Fanfare for Whatever (Orchestral Song No. 1)”.